
Verse and film

I’ve recorded some flies dancing in the 6 pm sunlight, as it is unseasonably hot this spring. We’ve had two months of relentless sunshine, which the bees are enjoying, and the flowers and weeds do thrive in it, don’t they. Enjoy…

Flies dance

William Blake wrote a poem about a fly. He also wrote a poem about London, and one called To Nobodaddy. WordPress threw me out as it doesn’t like “Double speak” if that’s what that title is…

I’m convinced that Blake was an abused child…

A verse from the metaphoric (it’s also about ‘slight of hand’), poem for your delectation:

Then am I

A happy Fly

If I live

Or if I die.

Ref: The Fly, Blake Poems, Everyman Pocket Library, David Campbell Publishers Ltd., 1994, p. 55

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